K2 Plant Hire Ltd & CPCD

K2 Plant Hire Ltd is a pyramid building company founded by The Justified Ancients of Mu Mu (aka The JAMs). The directors of K2 Plant Hire Ltd, Bill Drummond and Jimmy Cauty, are working with professional undertakers Claire Phillips and Rupert Callender to build The People’s Pyramid. 

Together they are CPCD: Callender, Phillips, Cauty & Drummond, undertakers to the underworld (formerly CCCD).


2017 Welcome To the Dark Ages: 3 day event by The JAMs culminating in the announcement of MuMufication and K2 Plant Hire Ltd plans to build the People’s Pyramid

2018 First Toxteth Day of the Dead event held at Toxteth Town Hall. The first brick in the People’s Pyramid is laid.

2019 Second Toxteth Day of the Dead held in the grounds of Liverpool Cathedral. Eight bricks added to the People’s Pyramid.

2020 Plague year. No Toxteth Day of the Dead held.

2021 Toxteth Day of the Dead held in Buxton. 26 Bricks of Mu laid in the People’s Pyramid.

Listen to a programme about the People’s Pyramid on BBC Radio 4 here.

Insert archive sections here: short summary of TDOD each year, including photos, trailers and merch releases.

Pyramid Post pdf should go in 2021 section here.

Plus: We need a photo of the pyramid as it currently stands – and more visuals i.e. Daisy laying bricks.. watchtower going off – container with Pyramid – visuals that give a sense of what to expect and quite far removed from Arts Lab aesthetics.

Also need 3D model of current Pyramid with each brick identified