David Cadwallader

29 May, 1982 – 19 November, 2022
Mumufied 2024

Just some thoughts feelings and reflections about my best friend, this is for ü

Looking back on our friendship, which was cut short miles too soon, I loved how knowledgeable you were without pretence. From the narration of what, why and how any musical genre or artist were linked, through to how their albums or art came into existence. Our long discussions, deep into the night, regarding the impact these events had on culture, history, us and everything will remain with me till I join you in the pyramid.

Our bond over the girly pops everyone from Gaga to Mariah, the alternative Alicias Attic and Fiona Apple and the rock gods and goddess that were/are able to express so eloquently that which we cannot.

Your appreciation of fine art to the modern, plus everything in between and how you were able to see talent and expression which others could not.

How we were able to talk so deeply about any and all topics and in the next moment re-enact the most mocked album covers of all time.

How you would never suffer fools gladly, and how much I appreciated, the dry humour and invent the most extravagant stories, Peppercorn Snow will go down in history.

And so I say, with a glass of red wine in one hand and a cigarette in the other you were fantastic and I was so lucky to have you as my friend.