When there is great love… there is great grief.
Jerry was a man who was greatly loved.
Jerry was a man who wanted people to feel at ease, so as we share this time of reflection together, be as ‘easy’ with this celebration of his life as you feel.
So… Jerry.
Gentle … Kind…. Loving Jerry.
Born Jeremy Peter Lodge on the 29th of July 1960 in Tidworth, Wiltshire. A Friday at the end of July. First born son to Peter & Ursula Lodge. Younger brother to Ollie and elder brother to Barbara. Loving husband to Andrea, and devoted father to Ciara, Tom and Sam. Not to forget beloved non human friend of Pushkin. Friend to so many.
Jerry had many loves in his life. You’ll hear the word ‘love’ a lot throughout these words, as this is a word which sums Jerry up. He loved and was loved.
As a teenager he loved motor bikes. At age 17 he had a motor bike accident which seriously injured his right hip. This did not stop him from enjoying motor-biking though. In fact, when the compensation for the accident arrived, he immediately bought himself another bike!
He loved science fiction. He was dyslexic, which meant reading could be a challenge. But when he discovered science fiction a whole world opened up for him. A rich and fascinating world which fed his imagination and brought with it great insights into other worlds.
He loved to have fun! He had a great sense of humour and his laugh could be the largest laugh in the room.
He loved driving, even though he had a habit of picking up speeding fines, including Sam (our youngest 17 year old son) recalls, his first one being at the age of 18!
He also loved music. All types of music.
Oliver his younger brother recalls the first concert they went to included bands like Nick Lowe, The Residents, lots of punk bands in London & way too many to list here as well as al the festivals we went to together. The latest gig was Julian Cope in 2020 & I have “c*nts can f*uck off” lyrics running though my head with great humour at times. Off course we LOVE KLF!
He loved his family. When he was in his 20’s he met Andrea in the student bar of Southampton General Hospital.
It was Andrea’s singing that attracted him to her… her belting out “Phantom of the Opera’ was enough to let him know this was the woman for him! Andrea fell in love with his kind, easy manner, and that was that! From then on, him and Andrea were inseparable, the love of his life, his eternal love… ever flourishing.
During those early years together they both worked in Southampton General Hospital, Andrea as a Nurse and Jerry as an OPD. Their first holiday as a couple was walking in the Lake District, and Jerry was amazed that a good Northern Irish country girl like Andrea could be so unwilling to go up the big hills!
After a few years Jerry and Andrea began their family. First to be born was Ciara, followed by Tom and then Sam, making their family complete. Jerry’s early motor bike accident led to further health challenges, so the decision was made for him to give up his previous job of being an OPD, to become a Full Time Dad. This role suited his incredibly caring, wise and sensitive nature perfectly.
He had a great love of learning. ‘His mind always sparkled with the wonder of things’. He shared this wonder of things with the children, teaching them about History, Archaeology, Nature, Music, The Green Man, Poetry and much more. ‘A walking encyclopedia’ is how the family described him.
His love of music deepened throughout his life, especially discovering new music, and he was a longstanding great fan of John Peel for that reason. This deep appreciation and love of great and diverse music has also been shared with his children. Ciara described his musical taste as ‘eclectic’. From the weird band called The Residents to King Gizzard and the Lizzard Wizzards. He appreciated music in so many forms.
As well as being a kind, gentle and incredibly loving parent, the children vividly remember him reading to them when they were young, stories of all kinds and one of their all-time favourites ‘Jabberwocky’ by Lewis Carroll. When ever the children needed to be driven, and especially when they were discovering their social lives, Jerry would always be on hand to drive them, or their friends, wherever they needed to be. He was even known to pick Ciara and her friends up at 1am in the morning from the Hobbit and drive friends back to Romsey and beyond.
He loved animals. Absolutely loved them. None more so than his beloved Pushkin who would spend many contented hours in his arms.
His love of Archaeology and History has left the family with many memories of trudging around ancient sacred sites, various standing stones and assorted bumps in the ground.
As well as being a loving husband and father, Jerry was a great friend to many & is greatly missed. One friend in particular, Peter, who left this world a few years ago, will no doubt have been ‘showing him the ropes’.
He LOVED sunflowers which is also the hospice emblem. Whenever we see a sunflower we will think of Jerry. Warm, sunny, loving and very giving.
On November 3rd 2021 Jerry died at home, after a long illness, surrounded by the love and warmth of his beautiful children, wife & cats. He received so much loving care all throughout his illness, and especially in those final days, with Andrea’s Reiki healing, and Jax our Soul Midwife. Between them they helped make his transition into the next world as easy as it could be.
The last word he said in this life was in fact the word ”Easy”. He was an easy man. A good, kind and loving man. A man who has helped make this Earth a far better place for his being here. Words will never express how much he is loved and missed but as Jerry would often say “and so it goes” paraphrasing Kurt Vonnegut.